A woman cruelly called a ‘monster’ by bullies after steroid creams made her skin burn and hair fall out is finally in recovery. 

Nina Ajdin, 28, from Wheaton, Illinois, was suicidal during her 10 year addiction to the controversial creams.

In the beginning, the creams soothed the red, scaly patches on her body. But she eventually decided to stop taking them at 17.

Doctors were left baffled as Ms Ajdin’s hair then fell out and she was left completely bald, with her body covered in red, raw skin.

She was not diagnosed with topical steroid withdrawal because it is a theory not widely accepted by the medical community.

It was only when Ms Ajdin watched a video online about the severe reactions to coming off the drugs that she realised what was wrong. 

Now, for the first time in over a decade, Ms Ajdin – who is working in customer services and applying to start a degree in business management – is finally starting to lead a normal life.

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Nina Ajdin, 28, from Wheaton, Illinois, spent 10 years battling her addiction to the controversial creams (left, during her withdrawal, right, pictured in recovery)

In the beginning, the creams soothed the red, scaly patches on her body. But she eventually decided to stop taking them at 17 (pictured: symptoms of her withdrawal)

She said: ‘I’m finally able to start living a normal life. I still get flares, but not nearly as bad as they used to be. I know overall my body is healing inside and out.’ 

Ms Ajdin was prescribed steroid creams at the age of ten to help ease symptoms of eczema. She revealed the creams would help her rashes to subside. 

But when she stopped taking them as a teenager, she went bald and had ‘third degree burns’ from her scalp to the soles of her feet.





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Ms Ajdin was unable to move, walk, eat or dress herself without assistance and doctors were clueless as to what was wrong.    

She added: ‘It got to the point I felt like I’d rather be dead than dealing with what I was going through.

‘The most difficult part of it was the lack of awareness in the medical community. Every doctor I went to just told me to keep taking the steroids.’

She was not officially diagnosed with topical steroid withdrawal because it is a theory not widely accepted by the medical community (pictured: the symptoms of her withdrawal)

It was only when Ms Ajdin watched a video online about the severe reactions to coming off the drugs that she realised what was wrong (pictured: the symptoms of her withdrawal)

Ms Ajdin claims she visited more than 100 doctors. 

The reactions from the creams reportedly put her in a comatose state for up to 23 hours and caused bulling by strangers who called her a ‘monster,’ leading her to have suicidal thoughts.

This forced her to stay at home and isolate herself from the outside world.

In addition to the rashes and hair loss, kraken kratom coupon code a fluid with a foul smell was oozing from Ms Ajdin’s skin during the withdrawals.

She said: ‘When the oozing was really bad, I couldn’t go out at all. It just smelled like my skin was rotting away.

‘At the worst point, I was oozing so badly that I had to sleep with five towels underneath me.’

Ms Ajdin was prescribed steroid creams at the age of ten to help ease symptoms of eczema. She revealed the creams would help her rashes to subside (pictured recently in recovery)

Ms Ajdin burst into tears when she watched the video as she said it offered her an answer for her 10 years of suffering (pictured: the symptoms of her withdrawal)

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