Ah, Scrabble. The word game of all word games. It can be entertaining, challenging, and frustrating, all at the same time. Many of us who have played the game have often found ourselves trying hard to remember all the words we know simply to make that high-scoring word and put our opponent in his or her place. Some of us have even tried increasing our vocabulary with words that start with V, Z, or Q just so we can impress our opponents and maybe even make them cry. And we all know why. Winning a Scrabble game can give anyone a big high and, most certainly, bragging rights. When it comes to winning, one of the tried and true methods is learning words that earn you a high score. And while many would think that words with the letters Q, Z, J, and X should be top priority, there’s something to be said in learning words that start with V.

In our quest to learn high-scoring words, we often tend to concentrate on those letters that offer the highest number of points. These are, of course, Q and Z as well as J and X. And we are right, to a point. Words with any of these letters usually enable a player to score big. But how likely is it that you’ll even be able to draw one or all of them? There is only tile for each of these letters so the chances of you drawing one of them are pretty small. The next best thing, then, is to look at the letters that have a higher probability of being drawn by you but will still earn you that high score you’re dying to have. One such example is words starting with V. There are 2 tiles in the game, each of them amounting to 4 points. This means that you have a 50% higher chance of drawing this letter compared to the other high value letters.

Another reason why we shouldn’t overlook the importance of learning words that start with V is the fact that there are so many familiar V words in the English language and several of them can earn you a high score. VAMPY, VICTORY, and VEXES are a few that come to mind. But there are a whole lot more that are commonly used in everyday conversations that it will be quite easy to learn and recall them.

Words starting with V are also great because they have an affinity to vowels. Many of these words are vowel-heavy. This means that in one V word, you may find yourself using two to three vowels. Some examples are VACUUM, VALUE, and VALIANT. When you focus on these types of words, you’re already learning two sets of word lists – words that start with V and words that are vowel-heavy. Anyone who has ever played Scrabble knows the difficulty of having a rack full of vowels. With the letter V, you not only earn 4 points, you’re also able to get rid of those extra vowels on your rack – an essential part of rack management.

Increasing your vocabulary with Z, Q, slot deposit J, and X words shouldn’t be discounted. They are, after all, high value letters. But one should never overlook the power of words that start with V. In any game of Scrabble, the letter V really can bring you victory.

This author has been having a love affair with word games for most of her life. She was interested to learn that words starting with V can potentially help you win a Scrabble game.

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